
Wednesday 28 August 2024

When to throw the towel in

It’s hard to find your place in this world. No matter how talented you are, or how hard or for how long you’ve worked at something, it may not be good enough.  It might be, but if those with the power to make or break you don’t agree, then it ain’t.

The old adage of “it’s not what you know, but who you know" greases the wheels across all industries, blocking the path of talented people. Oh, and those with big pockets buy their (and their kid's) way in the world too. Throw in to the mix the tick-box criteria that we're up against, a focus on low denominator qualities, and fear of socio-political agendas, then the wall comes right up and there’s no way to knock it down. You’re marginalised, just because of who you are, no matter what.

In this messed up world, we have to cling to what we can, and keep going. However, when you know the odds are stacked against you it's understandable that so many bow out, thinking what is the point of  putting the effort in when your destiny is out of your hands.

I often draw solace in music. Some tunes just resonate. For the utter despondency I feel when the world is  against everything I do, the only song I feel covers it is "I just wasn't made for these times" by The Beach Boys. 

It helps. There's no solution, no way forward. But Brian Wilson's lyrics... well at least I can relate to them.