
Tuesday, 12 October 2010

I tweet!

Yeah baby! Last week I decided to start tweeting.

I've resisted for a while because I'm stilll fond of full length blogging, even though it means I sit here for long periods of time pondering what to blog (and then realising how boring my life is when no subject crops up!) but I've always been evangelical about the power of this interweb-thing, so I do need to play at being a tweeter in order for work purposes.

I don't think tweeting will take away from this blog because tweets are more sput of the moment (like the fire at Zizzi's pizza restaurant in Norwich today) whereas this blog is often a reflection of the day or days gone by.

So, my most recent tweets will appear on this blog (at ths side) and you can follow me @originalmajato. I kept it the same as this blgo because it's nice and easy to remember and because there are many pretend majato's but there can only ever be 1 originalMaJaTo.

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