
Friday 11 April 2008

BareNaked Ladies!

Ok that got your attention.

Whenever I put Luke to bed I sing some nursery rhymes (grand Old Duke of York, Twinkle Twinkle, Baa Baa Black Sheep etc). Now, I don't know why, but when he was really really young (we're talking weeks or months I guess (I can't remember) I started singing "Brian Wilson" by the Barenaked Ladies.
It's one of my favourite songs, and about the only one I just about know all the words to. Although any cats and dogs passing by didn't appreciate it, Luke seemed to. Not many nights go by nowadays when he demands I sing "Brian."
I guess I'm writing about one of those great parental moments because nowadays he sings the song too, without any prompting. Okay, there's a whole bunch of words missing/wrong, but as a parent it makes me chuffed to bits to make him recognise a tune and appreciate it, and even to try to understand the words.

Here's the original BNL video.

Oh, and one of Brian Wilson too!

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